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Friday, March 6, 2009

Pink Friday

I am celebrating Pink today. Just feeling the need to color my day with PINK!!! I woke up feeling like I needed a great big pink celebration in my day today. So I jumped into my journal, using the color pink and did pink sticky notes proclaiming my self affirmations. Notes like: KNOW SELF, SMILE LOTS, STAY FOCUSED, BE LIGHT, BE AWARE AND LOVE. Today I give my best - resolve to to stay in the pink.

Earlier, I turned on the morning tv news, and the words of doom about the economy.."It's worse than we thought, it's horrible".. Okay Okay.. I quickly turned off the news. I know it's hard times, but for me, I have to put on my pink filter, and stay focused in the light and know the universe will take care of us. I strive to work hard, to create my reality, to be aware and all will be well.

I have felt for awhile now, that this economical happening, is the universe shifting us into the correct path. For too long, we have collectively been focusing on greed and more, more, more. We have forgotten the essentials of less is more, of taking time with our loved ones, and putting value into awareness. All will be well. We will be able to recover and move forward with new enlightenment. The other day, I was watching Oprah, and OMG, she said the same thing! It's our time to correct our path.

So I celebrate the color pink today. Because it makes me smile and feel the world loves us all.

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