LOVE that I have been not doing this blog for what? a year!?
Well, what a year it has been. Moved to a new house mid year, the house of our dreams, the
garage of Dan's dreams, and then my studio move. And in the midst of all that, my dear Dad
dies and leaves my mom lost and alone, to be followed by her falling and cracking her pelvis and 3 months of healing, most of that at our house.
Trying and challenging, yes. But all along, I felt Dad's presence knowing that I was helping mom and knowing it was helping him as well. Learning about myself, tapping into deep reserves,
and now, thankfully the worst is over. Mom is calming down and learning to live alone. And I am getting back into my world again. It is welcoming and wonderful. Though I have to say, I have days of feeling lost. I attribute this mostly to coming out of chaos and knowing I have to heal.
As for my art, it has been patiently waiting for me to come back full on. I have done some art,
little dances with it here and there. But today I ordered some new canvas and am planning on starting up some new art pieces for the upcoming Wild Women art show in June. Because it
is looming up ahead, and I know how incredibly fast this year has gone by. Not even in a blink
of an eye, gone.
I love the New Year. And especially this year, because we are getting a new President and I am feeling a great sense of good things coming in the future. And I think the hard times will make the good just that much sweeter.
I want to direct my art towards the essence of spirit, the love, the goodness, the purity of human spirit. Those are essentials that will live on after life. Losing Dad was hard, but I have not lost his sense of wonder, of enjoying the small things, of creating, of learning and of always wanting to know what lies beyond that next bend in the road. All of that still lives on in my heart. That is spirit. It never dies. It never fades. It is always there for us. That is my theme
for my art this year. To honor my Dad's spirit.
love and light