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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Starting on a new painting this morning!  SUNSHINE OUTSIDE!!!!
Dash outside and be a lizard soaking up some of the golden wonderful warmth.
We have had LOTS of rain, way more than we are used to.  We live here for the
beautiful blue Colorado skies and tons of sunshine.  So for us, a few weeks of RAIN
gets to us rather quickly. 
Mind you, the garden is greening up with the gush of some drunken lush!  And that is
the icing on the gloom cake for us.  The hills are green around us, the lawns emerald green, the flowers are
staring to show amazing promise.  Our lilacs are full out.  It's heady to say the least.
But I have missed the sunshine.
So today I am emersing myself in working on the above painting.  I have to get some art ready for the upcoming Wild Women Art Show at the local art center.  And par for the course, I am working on it
last minute..  between rain storms and sparse sunshine.
Stay tuned for the addition of a goat. 
and blue skies.
and some trumpet vines.
ta for now

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