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Friday, December 17, 2010


You have heard it before..  there are just not enough time in day.  I blink and it's another day gone by.
I take moments out of each day to enjoy the bliss of the season.  I found these adorable red rubber boots
complete with polka dots at the thrift shop, and had to have them.  Plop in some holiday greens and berries and now they are sitting on the front steps, making a smiling addition to the holiday decorations.
I have gotten two packages mailed, one more to go out on Monday. Our annual holiday party is tomorrow night here at the house.  Tonight is my husband's annual Christmas dinner party.  Sunday, I am planning on a full on jammie day.  Do some baking, do some art, take a nap... just enjoy a quiet day at home. 
Neglecting some things like this blog, but trying not to neglect the really important stuff that is so
essential this time of year.
Hope you are doing the same.

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