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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yesterday, I was thinking the upcoming Whimsical Women was this weekend.. which launched me into
a panic attack.  But silly me, I was a week early in my head.  So this morning, in my jammies, I started working on more ornaments to add to my stash that I will be taking to sell.
This is wonderful.. a whole week more than I was thinking.  I love it when that happens.

But the art time is done for now,
 and I must step into my order mode and work on getting all my orders completed.
I would like a day "off" tomorrow to get some grocery shopping done and house cleaning.
No big crowds for Thanksgiving, and in fact, I am not cooking a turkey.  We had a turkey dinner last weekend, so I decided to do a nice lasagna for dinner.  It's a working ski day for Dan, and a hearty
lasagna will be wonderful in his eyes.. and his tummy.
to work to work to work!
today cold blue skies
tomorrow snow

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