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Monday, September 27, 2010


This is a part's cleaner sink..  normally found in a garage.  My husband, the GREAT garage sale KING, found this for $5 recently.  I spotted it in his garage, and admired it and mentioned I would love one like it.  I have a continuous pile of metal finds, found items.. JUNK that I keep readily handy when I am creating.
I have more in storage, but like a stockpile close by for inspiration.  Close by has meant on the floor, in my way, in boxes.  But now my sweet husband gave me his.. and even mounted wheels on the legs so I can easily move it around.

It's faded to a delightful orange red.. obvious when you lift the lid.  I have flat boxes inside filled with finds.

And here's the station closed.  I can use the surface to work on!

And with the shelf underneath,, plus the added space to place plastic bins, I have lots of storage.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new work station..  NOW it's has been repurposed from a parts cleaner to a parts storage for metal objects.
It made my mornings SMILE!!!!!
Thanks Dan...


Anonymous said...

Love it. I have been having such a time figuring out how to organize my studio, which almost sees know creative work, so what's the problem? Holy Cow. I loved that your "finds" are on the floor and in your way. It made me feel so "normal". My family usually says, I can't stand it in's a mess.

Artist Linda Drake and Lunar Designs said...

MESS to others could be creative yummies to us! I too try to organize, and little by little, but truly it's such a waste of creative time!